Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt

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City of Science & Culture

Darmstadt is science
Darmstadt is the science and high-tech-centre of the metropolitan region RheinMain. Darmstadt is the birthplace of numerous things that have changed our daily lives. From the radio clock to Plexiglas® and the first enzyme based washing agent to the liquid crystals in our mobiles and notebooks - all these are inventions from Darmstadt. The German internet was born in Darmstadt. Living, working or doing research in Darmstadt gives you a head start.

A head start in the field of science ... and a big head start concerning accessibility by car, train or plane. With its good transport connection including the Airport Frankfurt International only 20 minutes away, Darmstadt is already there where others only claim to be. In the middle of Europe, globally connected.
Become a part of our network!

Since 1997 Darmstadt carries the title Science City
Darmstadt is one of the few cities after which a chemical in the periodic table of elements has been named – Darmstadtium discovered in 1994. Darmstadt accomodates not only the technical university & one of the nation’s largest polytechnics but also 3 institutions of the Fraunhofer Society (Research organisation). Internationally renowned organisations such as the space organisations ESOC & EUMETSAT, as well as the Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research (Gesellschaft für Schwerionen Forschung, GSI) round off the profile as a city of science.

Due to the Science & Congress Centre darmstadtium there is a prominent location in the heart of the city. 80% of the Darmstadt’s citizens identify themselves with this profile and say, ‘Yes, science is the main characteristic of the city’.

Economy, Science & Culture
In Darmstadt the economy is directly connected to science. Globally operating companies originating from Darmstadt such as Merck, Evonik Röhm, Schenck Prodess and Schenck Rotec, Wella, Goldwell/KPSS or Software AG have distinctive departments of research and development at their disposal. This in turn attracts an exceptionally large number of highly qualified experts to the city.

Europe-wide Darmstadt counts as an efficient IT location with numerous small, middle & large IT companies & IT research institutions, whereby the tele-communications and software development sectors remain the focal point.

Darmstadt’s significance as a city of culture is mainly based on the Artists’ Colony founded in 1901 by the city’s last grand duke, Ernst Ludwig, which made Darmstadt inter-regionally famous for Art Nouveau.

Darmstadt is situated in the south of the Federal State of Hesse, nearby the rivers Rhein, Main and Neckar.

Frankfurt, Mainz, Wiesbaden, Mannheim and Heidelberg are easily accesible from here.

It takes only about 20 minutes by car (29 km) to reach the Frankfurt-Airport by taking the motorway A5.

Darmstadt´s central-station is an ICE-stop.


Amt für Wirtschaft
und Stadtentwicklung

(Department of Economy
and Urban Development)

Im Carree 1
64283 Darmstadt

phone: +49 (0)6151 13-2045
Fax:  +49 (0)6151 13-3455

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